Saturday, January 25, 2020

Dizzy Sunfist & COUNTRY YARD Live in DREAMS NEVER END Asia Tour 2018 [Video]

I'll share some videos we took at the DREAMS NEVER END Asia Tour 2018 in Jakarta! Here they are...

Dizzy Sunfist - No Answer

Dizzy Sunfist - Life Is A Suspense

COUNTRY YARD - I'll Be With You

COUNTRY YARD - Starry Night

That's all! Thanks for watching~


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Dizzy Sunfist DREAMS NEVER END ASIA TOUR 2018 Jakarta (Special Guest COUNTRY YARD)

Good day guys!!!

Sebelom memulai post baru gw mau ucapin HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 buat kita semua!!! Semoga di tahun yang baru ini, banyak hal menyenangkan terjadi (walopun gak enak dibawa asique aja!) :)

Melanjutkan banyak hal yang belom gw share di tahun-tahun sebelomnya, kali ini gw mau share tentang konser dua band punk Jepang nih. Emang udah lama banget ini konsernya, dan gw baru bisa (tergerak) buat bikin postingan ini sekarang. Bayangin dari November 2018 sampe Januari 2020. Setahun lebih, boy! Tapi hal itu gak bikin dua band ini basi kok, apalagi buat penggemar J-punk!

Jadi dua band yang daritadi gw mention ini tak lain adalah...


Dizzy Sunfist & COUNTRY YARD!!!

Buat yang melanglangbuana di per-J-punk-an pasti dah gak asing sama dua band ini. Apalagi Dizzy Sunfist (DS) punya dua personil cewek yang cantik dan kewl abis!!

Yap, konser atau gigs kali ini berjudul Dizzy Sunfist DREAMS NEVER END ASIA TOUR 2018!!! Jadi ini adalah konser tur Asia dari Dizzy Sunfist dalam rangka album terbaru mereka yang berjudul DREAMS NEVER END (tahun 2018) dengan guest band COUNTRY YARD (CY). Gak tanggung-tanggung, mereka ke Indonesia singgah di tiga kota yaitu Malang sebagai setopan pertama, Yogyakarta di setopan kedua, dan setopan terakhir di Jakarta.

source: Instagram Dizzy Sunfist

Dizzy Sunfist digawangi oleh dua cewek keren dan satu cowok imut hahahaa. Mereka adalah Ayapeta (Aya-chan) di vokal & gitar, trus ada Iyama-chan di bass, dan terakhir satu-satunya yang paling ganteng ada moAi-san di drum. Sedangkan guest band mereka COUNTRY YARD terdiri dari Sit-san di vokal & bass, Yuki-san di gitar, Hayato-san juga di gitar, dan Shun-san di drum (waktu itu Shun-san masih jadi temporary drummer tapi sekarang uda jadi member tetap, yeay!)

Dizzy Sunfist
source: Jpop Wiki


Balik lagi ke konser DREAMS NEVER END ASIA TOUR 2018 yang diadakan di tiga kota yaitu Malang (14/11/2018), Yogyakarta (16/11/2018), dan Jakarta (17/11/2018). Dari tiga kota ini, gw memilih buat nonton di Jakarta. Secara walopun mereka main di kota asal gw, waktu itu pas banget gw gak pulkam. Jadi yaudah, nonton di kota perantauan aja. Dan seperti biasa gw nonton bareng kakak gw wkwkwk.

Awal ada pengumuman itu agak kebetulan. Karena tanpa sengaja gw nemu post tentang pengumuman konser tur Asia DS itu. Bener-bener gak sengaja sumpah! Waktu gw explore di instagram aja. Waktu itu juga pas pertama kali diumumin, tanggal main di Jakarta bukan tanggal 17 tapi tanggal 18 yang jatuh di hari Minggu. Waktu itu juga belom ada pengumuman apapun terkait tiket dan harus beli dimana. Bener-bener tulisannya To Be Announced (TBA). Yodah berbekal niat, cuma bisa pasrah nungguin rilis harga tiket dkk.

Pas sekitar dua minggu menuju konser, gw belom dapet info lebih lanjut terkait tiket. Bahkan gw sampe nanya ke moAi-san kapan ada pengumuman, dan dia jawab tunggu aja gitu. Yodah kan, makin pasrah wkwkwk. Eh tetiba hari demi hari berlalu, tanggalnya dimajuin. Gw lupa kapan tepatnya dimajuinnya jadi tanggal 17, dan setelah itu sekitar seminggu sebelom konser akhirnya gw dapet info tiket. Langsung dong booking, apalagi harga tiketnya itungannya sangat terjangkau buat nonton dua band asal Jepang itu.

Lanjut ke hari H konser, gw sama kakak gw berangkat awal ke venue MissQi dan ternyata masih sepi LOL! Karena terlalu niat keknya wkwkwk. Selain itu kita berdua juga uda nyiapin beberapa kaos buat kado dan itu gw uda bilang ke Yuki-san kalo kita punya hadiah buat mereka. Niatnya kan dateng awal sapatau mereka uda di venue kan, taunya belom hahaha. Bahkan waktu mau main pun mereka sempet kejebak macet bikin mereka manggung agak telat (tapi untungnya masih bisa ditoleransi jadi penonton gak ngamuk) wkwkwk.. Lagian penontonnya juga santuyyy..

Acara uda mulai sekitaran abis Maghrib apa Isya gitu dengan pembukaan beberapa band lokal. Gw sama kakak gw cari tempat santuyy buat nunggu dan menikmati. Secara tempatnya itu kan sebenernya bar (di lantai 2-nya) dan klo mau duduk kudu open table yang bayar dulu lah. Otomatis kita nunggu sambil berdiri yekan. Eh waktu nunggu, tetiba ada orang nyamber bilang "Mbak yang nonton TOTALFAT kemaren kan ya?" LOL!!! Gak nyangka ada yg mengenali kita dong (sok berasa artis) wkwkwkwk.

Beberapa saat kemudian akhirnya mereka berhasil melewati macet (DS & CY). Trus mereka lewat di sekitaran kita dong (secara gak ada akses lain). Trus gw gtau entah orang-orang gak ngeh atau emang gak tau jadi gak ada yg ngajak ngobrol atau foto. Tapi setelah beberapa saat ada sih. Gw pun klo gak salah inget (setahun lebih boy!) juga ngajakin ngobrol Yuki-san yang kebetulan menikmati musik di situ. Eh, apa cuma senyum ya? Lupa!!

Pas akhirnya COUNTRY YARD uda mau main, gw sama kakak gw garcep dong pindah depan. Secara front row rules! wkwkwk. Dan berhasil, kita dapet baris depan walopun bukan di tengah banget.


Penampilan COUNTRY YARD yang Ciamik

COUNTRY YARD main beberapa lagu, dan untungnya gw uda ngapalin sebelomnya biar bisa singalong. Emang ya, gak tanggung-tanggung band Jepang tuh klo manggung. Energinya dapet banget! Sit-san yang malem itu pakai baju Persija, nyanyi semangat banget! Uda gitu ramah banget ngajakin penonton interaksi. Posisi gw pokoknya di front row kiri, alias depannya Yuki-san percis! Selama mereka manggung gak bisa meleng gw dari Yuki-san sama Sit-san, sumpah keren banget aksi panggungnya! Gak kalah Hayato-san juga, tapi sayangnya dia di sisi satunya jadi gak bisa merhatiin lebih.

Duo yang bikin gagal fokus

Sit-san yang ramah & enerjik selama konser

Lagu-lagunya CY itu enak banget dan gampang nyangkut di otak. Beberapa lagu yang gw suka dan malem itu dibawain yaitu Starry Night, I'll Be With You, sama In Your Room. Sampe sekarang klo denger lagu itu, pasti pikirannya langsung ke konser malem itu. Bener-bener penuh energi!!

Selanjutnya Dizzy Sunfist main setelah CY berhasil memanaskan suasana MissQi. Gilaaak, gak kalah enerjik!!! Walopun Aya-chan sama Iyama-chan cewek, tapi energinya gak kalah dari Sit-san cs. Gilaaak!!! Instan gw makin ngefans sama mereka, apalagi Aya-chan!! Secara posisi gw percis di depannya doi. Dari lagu pembuka sampe lagu encore, penuh semangat!! Selama konser gw pasti singalong sama mereka. Duh, kalo diinget-inget seneng banget bisa singalong bareng vokalisnya langsung tatap-tatapan sepanjang lagu demi lagu. Lagu yang paling gw suka pas dibawain jelas Life Is A Suspense sama No Answer. Goks!!

Aya-chan yang penuh semangat

Dizzy Sunfist in Action

Kerennya kan Aya-chan ini single guitar di DS ya, otomatis kan semua dia yg handle. Tapi tetep bisa balance sama vokalnya. Keren sumpah! Gak kalah, doski juga naik ke atas sound sambil bawa gitar. Bener-bener cewek gahar!!! Pokoknya keren!!!

Duo cewek keren dari Dizzy Sunfist

Bener-bener enerjik cewek satu ini

Selesai Dizzy Sunfist & COUNTRY YARD main, ada penampilan dari DJ. Gak begitu ngikutin sih, karena abis mereka selesai main fokusnya ngasih hadiah sama minta tanda tangan DS di atas CD DREAMS NEVER END punya gw yang gw bawa. Kan sayang klo uda siapin hadiah tapi gak dikasih trus uda bawa-bawa CD juga yang gw usahain gak kepenyet pas moshing apa dorongan dari belakang. Tapi sayangnya mereka masih sibuk aja di backstage, trus ngurusin perlengkapan juga yang masih ribet. Sampe gw ngomong lagi ke Yuki-san klo kita bawa hadiah buat mereka, dan Yuki-san bilang tunggu ya gitu. Hingga pada akhirnya mereka keluar. Langsung aja gw kasih hadiah buat CY sekalian buat DS juga via Yuki-san yang entah apa gara-gara gw chat dia sebelomnya. Gak cuma kasih hadiah, kita juga foto-foto sama mereka satu per satu. Yang gak kebagian itu pokoknya foto sama Hayato-san sama Shun-san :(

Bersama Ayapeta dari Dizzy Sunfist

Bersama Sit-san dari COUNTRY YARD

Bersama Yuki-san dari COUNTRY YARD

Bersama Iyama-chan dari Dizzy Sunfist

Bersama moAi-san dari Dizzy Sunfist

Gak lupa minta tanda tangan di sampul CD

Buat moAi-san spesial gw kasih bros kucing juga, karena gw tahu dia suka kucing wkwkwk. Waktu kasih hadiah, gw bilang juga ke mereka jangan lupa dipake ya hadiahnya. Gak terlalu berharap sih. Dan demi apah, waktu day off mereka di hari berikutnya Aya-chan sama Sit-san jalan-jalan pake kaosnya! Yuki-san juga ngasih foto pakai itu kaos pas abis kelar konser dan balik ke hotel. Ditambah lagi, fotonya dipost di instagram mereka. Senengnyaaa!!!

Aya-chan & Hayato-san pakai kaos hadiah dari kita
source: Instagram Ayapeta

Aya-chan & Sit-san pakai kaos hadiah dari kita
source: Instagram Ayapeta

Yuki-san pakai kaos hadiah dari kita

Ahahahaha segitu lah pengalaman gw nonton Dizzy Sunfist & COUNTRY YARD di Jakarta. Gak terlupakan! Gak lupa buat kenang-kenangan gw juga beli merch mereka di booth lantai 1. Pokoknya klo next time mereka main ke Indonesia lagi, pasti gw akan nonton lagi. Karena konser mereka emang keren! Walopun pas itu itungannya konser gak gede, tapi puas sepuas-puasnya!!!


Merch Kaos Dizzy Sunfist

Btw beberapa bulan setelah itu Aya-chan ngumumin bahwa dia uda nikah sama Akira-san dari UVERworld sejak November 2018 yang mana gak jauh dari dia konser di Indonesia dan sekarang tengah mengandung anak mereka! Dudududuu~ berita bahagia banget ini mah. Uda gitu suaminya anak UVERworld, salah satu band Jepang kesukaan gw dari jaman SMP ini mah! Semoga bahagia selalu yaaa~ dedek bayiknya lahir dengan selamat :))

See you next time guys!! I'll watch your concerts again someday!!!


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lyrics blink-182 - HAPPY DAYS

by blink-182

Hey kid, don't quit your daydream yet
I know you feel locked out in the cold
Seems like you're lost and alone
Hey kid, don't listen to you head
It only fills you with dread and with doubt
Left looking for an easy way out
I know you don't know
Oh no you don't know

I wanna feel happy days
Walls of isolation inside of my pain
And I don't know if I'm ready to change
I wanna feel happy days
All of this frustration inside of my brain
And I don't know if I'm ready to change

Some nights you call for the jaws of life
To pull you out of the crash
A forgotten ghost from your past
When enough doesn't cut it
When you're backed up against a wall
Is it the life that you wanted
When you could never have it all

Face down in the deep end
Face down every weekend
Face down and I'm bleeding
There's no sound when you're leaving
We faced all of our demons
We chased all of our dreams and
We don't know where it leads us
We don't care at all


Lyrics blink-182 - THE FIRST TIME

by blink-182

First drink of the night just to get me right
The first light of the day I know I got it all wrong
The first pill that you drop only sets it off
The next morning you wake up all blurry and numb
Before all the damn insecurities
Before all your innocence is all lost
Think back to the time you were all alone
One day you'll look back and say where's it all gone

Sometimes we get lost inside our little heads
Don't sleep just yet
We all know that there's nothing like this
First love, first high, there ain't nothing like the first time
Passed out last night, there ain't nothing like the first time
Taking all her meds, sleeping with her friends
Find out in the end there ain't nothing like the first time
Stuck inside her head, jumping in her bed
Find out in the end there ain't nothing like the first time

First time on a plane so she's paranoid
I tried to make her feel safe but said it all wrong
First time in LA so she can't avoid
Feeling like she's failing all along


Monday, October 14, 2019

I'm Starting to Post Lyrics!

Hi, guys!

I decided to post some lyrics from bands' songs. I took them from lyrics book from the CDs (my collections). Just wanna share them to everyone who looks after these songs' lyrics! Hope it's doing well~ ^^

The first batch lyrics are from coldrain's newest album, THE SIDE EFFECTS. coldrain is a post-hardcore/metalcore band from Nagoya, Japan. For everyone who doesn't know coldrain, you better hear them out now! Because they're so gooooood~

Please enjoy!


Lyrics coldrain - LI(E)FE

by coldrain

In the age of ignorance
We give up are innocence
And no one knows what is real
Copy past intelligence, filter your experience
Picture perfect is the only way to go
Holographic lives on sale

Show me life, are you really living?
Are you really brathing?
Show me a smile and don't you try to fake it
Don't you try to make it anymore

You don't know, what you've lost
Going down in a spiral
You see numbers nothing real
Buy in bundle how's it feel?
Picture perfect is the only way to go
Photogenic lies on sale

[*] repeat

Live larger than a image could contain
Live larger than a story could explain
Life is not a fucking race
Learn to live at your own pace

[*] repeat


Lyrics coldrain - REVOLUTION

by coldrain

Thinking out loud I see no solution
Screaming out loud for a revolution

Stop provoking me
Controlling what I want and what I need
Destroying what I say and what I mean
You try to test me I'll make sure you bleed
Sick of expecting, sick of reasoning

Say what you wanna say, do what you wanna do
You can call it love but you're killing me
Say what you wanna say, do what you wanna do
Give me some closure my patience is over
Thinking out loud I see no solution
Screaming out loud for a revolution

Holding on to a lie
Doesn't matter how hard I try
You'll be making up your damn mind
That I'm something made by design

So just stop provoking me
Controlling what I want and what I need
Destroying who I am, who I fight to be

[**] repeat

I'm sick of being sick of still holding on
The poison's eating through my soul
Holding on, if only I could let this go, I'd let go
I'd let this go, I'd let this go

[*] repeat
[**] repeat


Lyrics coldrain - STAY THE COURSE

by coldrain

I thought that I could do this on my own
I thought that I could conquer any storm
But lost in the tide I hear your voice echoing
Stay the course

I look upon the sky at night
Thinking of the stars that shine
Tormented by every light
Letting darkness comfort me

Here I am stranded in distress
Sinking to the ocean bed
Here I am short of oxygen
But life goes on and on and on


Fighting endless wars inside
Living on the edge of a knife
How could I be losing sight
When I have you in my life

Here I am stranded in distress
Sinking to the ocean bed
Here I am short of oxygen
But life goes on and on and on
Without me

I thought that I could do this on my own
I thought that I could conquer any storm
Now at the bottom the only thing I hear is you

[*] repeat

I'm on my own, own my own
But lost in the tide I hear your voice echoing
Stay the course


Lyrics coldrain - BREATHE

by coldrain

You say you know best
Well it's easier said than done
When you're so obsessed
With being broken and undone

How could you ever know?
What it means to live and grow
How could you ever know?
If you never let go, let go and move on

Life was made for you with vices and virtues
Don't go down with your mistakes
Life was made for you with vices and virtues
Don't go waste away and break
Just breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out
You'll make it right someday
Just breathe in, breathe out
Don't give up today

Hide in your nest keeping us in the dark
While your obsessed, scars never left a mark

[*] repeat
[**] repeat

Know that you're not alone
In the struggle to be strong
We're all dying to live, just the best that we can
When we fall
And no you'll never be alone
In the end there will be hope
From the sorrow, the shame, the guilt and dismay
You can rise, rise and live again
Life was made for you

[**] repeat


Lyrics coldrain - ANSWER/SICKNESS

by coldrain

Here we are
Slowly evolving? Under all these stars
Were we forsaken for the flaws that we hold
Or the one final hope?
Here we are, the answer or the sickness

Fate is an empty concept
Nothing is written in stone
Life is your own, build as you go
Perfect in creation, perfect in destruction
Perfect imperfection, why not be human?

[*] repeat

We long for heaven creating our own hell
Under assumption God is gonna save us all
Lost in temptation constantly wanting more
There's no redemption
God will never save our fall to the hands of evil
Tell me the devil is real, here in us all
This is not our fault if we're fucking this up for real

[*] repeat

Failing, far from unity, broken, in disharmony
Choking one reality falling to pieces

[*] repeat


Lyrics coldrain - INSOMNIA

by coldrain

With a cold embrace, you bring me to my knees
Like a waste of space leave me here to bleed
When silence speaks, louder than a thousand screams
All I really need is a taste of fucking clarity

All this time you complicated everything in my head

Feels like I'm falling
Dreaming of insomnia, dreaming of insomnia
In my head, feels like I'm falling
Dreaming of insomnia, dreaming of insomnia
Who will save me now?

What if I give in, let you be under my skin
Would you save me then keep me free from sin
When silence speaks louder than a thousand screams
All I really need is a taste of fucking clarity

[*] repeat
[**] repeat

In due time I'll find away to get you out of my head
Get out of my head

[**] repeat

Let me be what I want to be
Let me be what I want to be


Lyrics coldrain - JANUARY 1ST

by coldrain

I can't believe that it's over now
I hope you know that I'll miss you
You fought the fight
Like no other could day and night
I hope you know I'm so proud of you

Said goodbye but had to lie
Tonight it's not alright
So I'll try but can't deny
Tonight will never be alright

Tell me how do I let go
When all I know is to hold on
Every memory that you left
Keeps me from moving ahead
Tell me how do I let go

It's been a month I've been doing good
I wrote this song thinking of you
I hope it helps someone like me someday get through
Losing somebody like you

Said I try but had to lie
Goodbye is not alright
So I'll cry from time to time
Cuz goodbye will never be alright

[*] repeat

I never had to say a word
It's like you always saw me through
But all you ever asked of me
Was to hold you like I always do
I never had to say a word
It's like you always saw me through
But all you ever asked of me
Was to love you like I do

[*] repeat

How do I let go
How do I let go
Every memory that you left
Keeps me from moving ahead
Tell me how do I let go


Lyrics coldrain - THE SIDE EFFECTS

by coldrain

One step forward two steps backwards
Saving culture? Killing art
You want borders we just want a bridge
This is modern warfare, freedom in a ditch
Will you ever bother listening?

Made in the land of the rising sun
Decade in the rain proving who we are
Still under fire for the things we love
Hey just listen

We are the side effects
A product of love, a product of hate
We are the side effects
A product of heart, but make no mistake
No one asked for your love
No one asked for you hate
So we ask from the heart
Before it's too late just let us be us

One step forward two steps backwards
Saving culture? Killing art
You want order, we just want to lives
Endless civil warfare
Somethings got to give
Can we start this over rational

[*] repeat
[**] repeat

Made in the land of the rising sun
Decade in the rain proving who we are
Still under fire for the things we love
But it's time you listen

[**] repeat


Lyrics coldrain - SPEAK

by coldrain

You can run and hide but will you survive?
The blind they hide in subtie disguise
Trying to take the light so cover your eyes
They say swallow the blue pill
Live with us in a perfect system
Swallow the red pill fail the test a fucking victim

It's easy to run, it's easy to hide
But will you survive?

Break through the silence, break through the madness
Free your mind and you will see the difference
Break through the silence, break through the madness
Speak your mind and fight for your existence

The wise they pry observing out lives
Taking control of minds they blatantly lie
So I say swallow the blue pill
Live your life in a silent prison
Swallow the red pill see the truth we've been fucking missing

[*] repeat
[**] repeat

They can slow us down
But they can't take control

Free yourself and break through the silence
Break through the madness
Free your mind and you will see the difference
Break through the silence, break through the madness
Speak your mind and fight for your existence


Lyrics coldrain - SEE YOU

by coldrain

Living in a haze
Counting down the days
Acting like there's nothing taking over
Staring down the drain
Taking anything to help me sleep away the pain

Said I wanna go everywhere
Said I wanna see everything
But honestly I'd give anything

If only I could see you now
Finding every way to get wasted
Missing you in all of these places now
Everyday I go a bit crazy
You're the only one that'll save me now
Without you here I'm just fading

Now I'm in too deep in the city of no sleep
Picking up the pieces of this broken dream
Starting to forget why the hell I came this far
Oh where did I begin

Always dreamed about living big
Always dreamed about who I'd meet
But honestly I'd give anything

[*] repeat

Every step I take I feel your energy
Every breath I take I need you close to me

Said I wanna go everywhere
Said I wanna see everything
But honestly I'm dying here without you
Always dreamed about living big
Always dreamed about who I'd meet
But honestly I'd give anything

If I could be with you right now
Finding every way to get wasted
Missing you in all of these places now
Everyday I go a bit crazy
You're the only one that'll save me now
Without you here I'm just fading
