Showing posts with label rock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rock. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Guns N Roses NOT IN THIS LIFETIME TOUR Jakarta 2018

Kali ini gw mo berbagi cerita jadul (eh) sekitar hampir dua tahun yang lalu.. Secara gw baru bisa nulis sekarang akibat mager yang berkepanjangan wkwkwk



Akhirnya gw bisa nonton salah satu band legend kesukaan gw!!!

Konser ini diselenggarakan tanggal 8 November 2018. Yap, 2018 dan gw baru nulis pengalaman gw di tahun 2020.. Maapkan hamba..

Lanjut lah, pengumuman ada konser ini gw seneng banget. Gimana enggak, jaman gw sekolah dulu sering banget nyanyiin lagu mereka. Trus belajar gitaran-gitarannya bareng temen-temen gw. Rasanya tuh, nostalgia banget lah! Ya begitu ada info mereka bakal ke sini (lagi) gw langsung cari.


Sebelomnya mereka pernah ke Jakarta juga, sekitar tahun 2012 klo gak salah. Tapi waktu itu Slash, sang gitaris legend GnR gak ikutan. Nah, kali ini istimewa soalnya Slash ikutan dong! Waktu 2012 pun gw gak nonton, secara masih mahasiswa kere gak berani ke Jakarta sendirian wkwkwk. Masih anak bawang~

Setelah gw dapet info tentang konser, lanjut ke tiket lah. Gw coba ceki-ceki yang rada hemat. Gak apa gak dari deket, yang penting bisa singalong aja uda seneng. Selain karena tempatnya di GBK, lumayan buat nyobain tribun pertama kali. Selama ini gw selalu milih festival yang berdiri soalnya, belom pernah tribun, gak bisa jingkrak-jingkrak bebas sih.

Seat plan konser, gw pilih Purple Zone

Pada akhirnya gw dapet aja itu tiket. Milih yang Purple Zone, biarpun duduk tapi deket ke stage (kenyataannya masih tetep jauh). Pas mau beli ini gw ajak juga cowok gw dan temen gw dua orang, jadi kita nonton empatan aja. Pokoknya uda janjian nanti nonton kudu bareng!

Pas mau tiba hari konser, entah gimana pas banget sama acara kantor juga. Mana kebagian panitia dan juga nampil paduan suara sama band. Tapi karena gak mau kelewatan konser (selain itu gw juga uda beli tiket), gw uda ajuin cuti khusus tanggal 8 November itu biar bisa nonton dengan tenang. Kapan lagi yekan nonton Axl cs. Untungnya lagi, jadwal gw nampilnya pas hari kedua acara yaitu tanggal 9 Novembernya. Lucky!

Tiket bisa dituker sehari sebelomnya di beberapa titik tempat. Pas banget tanggal 7 November itu gw lagi ada meeting di kantor pusat. Jadi gw diam-diam menghanyutkan mlipir ke PP (tempat paling deket dari kantor pusat gw) pas jam istirahat buat nuker tiket bentar.

Ternyata oh ternyata, waktu sampe di PP, penukaran tiket belom mulai! Harap-harap cemas juga karena gw kudu secepatnya balik ke kantor. Gak lama kemudian akhirnya penukaran tiket dibuka, makin excited dong! Dan setelah beberapa lama gw antre, tiba juga giliran gw! Abis ngasih info ke panitia penukaran tiket, gw bisa megang tiket fisik yang besok bakal dipakai buat nonton!! Bentuk tiketnya unik, kayak gelang gitu tapi ada semacam barcode di dalemnya. Lumayan fancy!

Tiket konser fisik GNR NOT IN THIS LIFETIME TOUR Jakarta 2018, Purple Zone

Eits, tapi jangan seneng dulu! Malemnya setelah gw sampe di rumah, ceritanya mo persiapan buat besok jadi gw coba keluarin tiket di tas gw. Tapi... GAK ADA DONG!!! TIKET GW ILANG SATU!!! (Gw nuker dua punya gw sama cowok gw bareng) YA ALAMAT LANGSUNG PANIK SAAT ITU!! Gw cari-cari di tas, dompet, gak ada semua.. Gw coba inget-inget, sampe gw bela-belain balik kantor pusat lagi. Tapi NIHIL! Tiket gw yang satu tetep gak ketemu. Nangis dong gw malem-malem.. Gw juga cerita ke cowok gw, dan dia nenangin gw bilang besok coba cari tiket on the spotnya aja. Yodah sedikit lebih tenang gw setidaknya dengan harapan besoknya bisa dapet tiket lagi...

Tapi tidak semudah itu ferguso!

Pagi-pagi gw sama cowok gw ke venue buat cari tiket on the spot, tapi... ABIS!!! yang bagian purple sama kayak yang gw beli sebelomnya uda SOLD OUT!!! Gimana gak makin ambyar gw.. Makin panik sampe bikin cowok gw kzl juga wkwkwk. Trus akhirnya cowok gw inisiatif (suka pinteran emang dia) buat nanya ke semacam manager di bagian ticketingnya. Doski cerita klo tiketnya ilang abis dituker, jadi bisa gak klo misal di re-buy? Eh.. ALHAMDULILLAH BISA DONG!!! Tapi ya kudu bayar lagi.. Awalnya yang gw uda hampir putus asa buat nonton salah satu band legend favorit gw, akhirnya terbuka lagi harapan walopun ada harga yang harus dibayar. Waktu itu gw oke-in aja re-buy tiket gw.

Setelah dapet, rasa plongnya gak ketulungan. Bilang makasih mulu ke cowok gw, dan minta maap juga uda bikin kzl doski wkwkwk. Akhirnya gw bisa tersenyum lagi (ceileh)!! Dudul banget klo diinget rasanya bisa kehilangan tiket. Saat itu juga gw merasa klo gw terkadang emang teledor minta ampun huhuhuhu.. Next time gw kudu hati-hati emang! Buat pelajaran!!!

Malemnya pas berangkat ke venue konser lagi, hampir aja telat karena jalanan Jakarta yang macet plus ada event di GBK. Temen gw berdua uda di venue duluan, dan uda nyariin tempat buat kita barengan (syukurlah!). Jadi pas uda sampe venue langsung buru-buru ke dalem dan akhirnya ketemu temen gw juga~

Kita berempat excited banget nunggu konsernya. Gak lupa beli minuman sama snack di dalem. Sampe akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu pun muncul~ Awalnya lagu Indonesia Raya diputer buat memulai acara. Lanjut setelah lagu kebangsaan Indonesia selesai, para member GnR muncul ke panggung. Panggungnya gede dan mevvah, soundnya pun mantabb. Sumpah gw gak bisa liat, kecil banget!! Padahal itungannya gw termasuk tribun yang deket ke stage. Untung aja di kanan-kiri stage ada layar gede. Jadi gw nonton dari layar doang :(

Penonton mulai memadati venue GBK

Bagian tribun gak mau ketinggalan penuh

Rasanya seneng banget dong bisa denger mereka main langsung!! Biasanya kan cuma denger GnR dari yutup apa pemutar musik. Kali ini langsung!! Gw jaman SMP aja kagak kepikiran suatu hari bakal liat langsung mereka di panggung!!!

Konser pun dimulai dengan meriah!

Bisa dibilang mereka kan uda berumur ya, tapi mainnya masih gahar dong! Emang beberapa part suka miss, tapi wajar kok. Missnya pun gak banyak menurut gw wkwkwk. Suaranya Axl juga, masih bagus aja tau! Kek gak ada bedanya sama jaman muda.

Slash unjuk gigi main gitar
Axl gak mau kalah, main piano sambil nyanyi

Giliran pas lagu Sweet Child O' Mine dimainin, tiba-tiba gw jadi emosional sendiri. Rada-rada mau nangis gitu pas nanyi bareng. Keinget dulu gw pas SMP sukanya nyanyiin lagu ini, sampe bela-belain cari tab gitarnya buat dipelajari. Duh jadi makin nostalgia kan!

Sang bassist, Duff McKagan turut menghibur

Selama konser gw lebih banyak menikmati musiknya. Gak jingkrak-jingkrak kayak biasa (ya karena lagunya juga bukan buat jejingkrak) wkwkwk. Bisa dibilang gw kalem banget nonton konser malem itu. Uda di bagian tribun, ada tempat duduknya kan jadi pewe. Samping gw ada mba-mba singalong sepanjang lagu sambil baca lirik di hp. Nyanyinya penuh penghayatan lagi! Mantuls!!! Oh iya, malem itu kebanyakan yang nonton konser malah yang uda senior. Yang muda-mudi dikit sih termasuk, apalagi kaum millenials.. Keknya hampir gak ada? Secara emang beda generasi wkwkwk.

Kagum sama suara Axl yang masih stabil di usia segini

Dan tibalah lagu terakhir. Pas uda mau selesai ada konfeti juga, pokoknya meriah banget lah. As expected from world class legend! Agak gak rela emang klo nonton konser uda lagu terakhir, apalagi uda selesai encore yekan! Tapi overall puas banget nonton GUNS N ROSES malam itu! Salah satu wishlist gw yang akhirnya kesampean.

Closing konser yang meriah lengkap dengan konfeti

Pulangnya gak lupa kita foto-foto, di dalem GBK dan di gate yang ada tulisan judul konsernya. Biar jadi memori indah lah wkwkwk.

Suasana setelah konser berakhir di dalam venue GBK

Foto mandatory di depan gate

Thank you for the amazing memories, GnR!!!

Uda segitu dulu cerita kali ini, next masih ada cerita lagi nih.. So, see you again!!!


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Meet & Greet with Dragonforce, The Word Alive, and Unearth

Few months ago, I asked you guys to help me share a post so I could meet my idols. And guess what I had got?



I didn't know how the result came out, but the EO called me. He stated that I won the Meet and Greet chance along with the lucky others (incl. my sister)

When the day had come, my sister and I already prepared some gifts for The Word Alive. Malioboro shirts and Blangkon (the took photos with it after).

Firstly, we met with the friendly Dragonforce members though they only had few moments with fans. But they were really friendly meeting us. They tried to get rid the awkwardness between idols and their fans. Respect! Unforgettable thing was one of their member asked what's my name and said that my name is like his gf's. So he wrote my name on the poster with smiley :)

Secondly, it was The Word Alive time. Main reason why we -my sister and I- joined the Meet and Greet session. We're idolizing them because their great songs, then we had the chance to meet them in person. What a lucky! It was quiet at first and rather awkward, then Tony -the guitarist- started to say "Don't be quiet, it should be Meet and Greet, guys!" and the atmosphere changed in an instant. My sister gave the gifts for them and they were really happy. We could hug them too, of course!

And lastly, Unearth. We didn't quite know them first. But they have good songs. Although the Meet and Greet with them was more quiet than the two before.

Encore, we met with Telle and Vince -the photographer- (that I didn't realize it at first!) at the lobby and asked for some photos and they friendly agreed to our request! Nice dudes!

That's all. My adventures, my experiences. IT WAS AWESOME THO!

And wish I could meet more of my idols.<3 font="">

Thank you JakCloth Summer Fest 2017!

Here are few of our snapshots that day ;)

Meet & Greet Dragonforce session

Meet & Greet The Word Alive session

Meet & Greet Unearth session
Encore at the lobby

The Word Alive was wearing our gifts


Monday, March 13, 2017


Howdy, guys!
Good evening -here- from my desk even though it's past 6 p.m already :')


Skyfall Album Art

Yeyeyeyeyees! Today I wanna write a review about a phenomenal album (I demand!). This album is called "SKYFALL" from ONE OK ROCK. Most of you probably know this band already (sorry hasn't review it yet). ONE OK ROCK is a Japanese rock band as you find in the wikipedia page. I knew this band before from one of my best friends. I remember that she said this band is cool and high recommended for me. She also stated that the singer's English is good despite his Japanese blood. And I started to hear few of their songs and TA-DA! This is fvcking good! xD

Ambitions Album Art

Back to the main topic. Few days (or weeks?) ago, ONE OK ROCK kicked off their Japan Tour for their newest album "AMBITIONS". WTH? Then what about SKYFALL? So, the album SKYFALL is special. This is a limited album that only sold during the show. So! So, this album is not for sale. NOT FOR SALE! And then I cry... Why did I cry? Because this album is freaking awesome! With only 3 (three) songs included, it really makes your ears burnt out because you keep playing on repeat!

Not only those magnificent songs, but also the guest vocalists! Oh-My-God! You can list Japan's best singers right now as coldrain's Masato, Crossfaith's Koie, and SiM's Mah featured in it. What could I say? It's a fvcking freaking awesome combination in one! All of them is my favorite, hell yeah!!

The first song titled same as the album, Skyfall. Those guest vocals is on this track. First time I heard it, I just couldn't say a word. The music literally bewitched me. Moreover it's like a fusion between four colours of music -ONE OK ROCK, coldrain, Crossfaith, and SiM-! And of course the lyrics is on English except one sentence on the Riff. I don't know any techniques, but for me it's the best combination so far! The music, the lyrics, and of course the vocals. I said that this track is the hardest one in this album. I'll give it 5/5. Rocks! xD

coldrain's Masato
Crossfaith's Koie
SiM's Mah

The second song is called Right By Your Side. This song is softer than the first one. But I didn't say that it's soft. Just softer. It's still have their rocks vibe. You can find their 'nature' in this track cause when I heard this song is remind me of their other songs. And don't ask me whether it's good or not. Of course you will coddle your ears with it. The lyrics? Just read the title. The music? Freaking good! I'll give it 4/5 ;)

The last song and the one you can chill with is named Manhattan Beach. This is the slowest song included in this SKYFALL Album. I couldn't say much about this track. You better hear it on yourselves right now! Honestly, this song is making me calmer. When you hear this song it's like you're in a beach, lie under a palm tree (or coconut), and someone especially sing for you. Ahhh.. so calm :) Even now when I write this part, I'm listening to it and it calms me down. Then~ I'll give it 4.5/5 :*

Okay that's all my review. I didn't say much cause I don't really know how to write a review in a right way (LOL). I just say what I wanna say when I hear about it ;)

But again, you really should -like right now- hear these tracks! Well, I don't know how to get this limited CDs to be honest. But I demand you should listen to it.. someday...

