Tuesday, October 11, 2016

My Very First Simple Plan's Concert

Hello, guys!
On this post I will write it in Bahasa :)

Sunday, September 4th 2016.

Jadi ada apa dengan tanggal 4 bulan September tahun 2016?
Itu adalah hari yang telah dinanti-nanti setelah sekian lama lebih dari sepuluh tahun aku ngefans sama SIMPLE PLAN. Yes! It was my first Simple Plan's Concert in my history.

Sampe sekarang masih gak percaya kalo pada akhirnya bisa nonton konser Simple Plan juga di Indonesia. Gimana enggak, udah sejak lama aku ngefans sama quintet asal Montreal, Quebec, Canada ini tapi baru kali itu kesampaian bisa nonton konsernya secara langsung. Gak cuma buat aku, tapi buat kakakku juga. Kita berdua adalah die-hard fans nya Simple Plan dari kecil.

Aku inget pertama kali aku denger lagu Simple Plan itu Perfect di album pertama mereka. Yah, jelaslah siapa yang muter waktu itu, kakakku. Selain itu lagu I'm Just a Kid juga sering banget di puter di MTV. Tapi yang bikin kesengsem asli itu ya pas album kedua, Still Not Getting Any.

First time Welcome to My Life, their first single, was on MTV and I was  like "OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THIS SONG?" Langsung jatuh hati sama itu lagu sampe sekarang gak berubah-berubah. Baru mulailah ngefans beli kasetnya plus sekalian koleksi album pertama belom punya jadi sekalian beli hahahaa. Tiap pagi, siang, sore, malem, kaset berputar gak kenal lelah. Bener-bener setiap hari itu kaset-kaset gak pernah gak disetel dan alhasil dua kaset itu hapal semua liriknya deh.

Beberapa saat kemudian sekitar tahun 2005, Simple Plan ngegelar konser di Singapura apa Kuala Lumpur gitu kalo gak salah di acara MTV. Mupeng lah diri ini pengen nonton. Untungnya waktu itu acara yang didatengin SP ditayangin deh. Akhirnya bisa nonton walaupun cuma lewat layar kaca :')

Next konser itu pas album ketiga mereka yang judulnya Simple Plan, konser Simple Plan pertama di Indonesia. Itu juga gak bisa dateng, maklum masih juga SMA mana boleh dibiarin nonton konser di Jakarta sendirian. Trus konser berikutnya lagi tu pas konser album keempat, Get Your Heart On! Lagi-lagi gak bisa dateng, padahal mereka konser di Jakarta sama Surabaya :'( Selanjutnya mereka ke Indonesia lagi tapi bukan dalam serangkaian tur, melainkan acara ulang tahun ANTV. Pas itu aku lagi kuliah di Bandung, dan konsernya di Jakarta. Tapi aku gak bisa nonton lagi :''(

Sebelum konser selanjutnya digelar, aku sering banget download video konser mereka dari youtube. Trus heboh ngikutin mereka nyanyi teriak-teriak gitu. Udah berasa kayak nonton konser asli aja. Waktu itu nontonnya juga sambil berharap, sih, suatu saat bisa nonton mereka langsung. Gak cuma dari laptop. Buat motivasi gitu :')

Dan pada akhirnya album kelima pun keluar, Taking One For The Team, diikuti serangkaian world tour termasuk Indonesia. Alhamdulillah kali ini aku uda kerja, jadinya niat deh ngumpulin uang khusus buat nonton Simple Plan di Jakarta biar kali ini gak cuma nonton dari layar kaca. Kebetulan lagi atau emang udah takdirku, aku dapet penempatan kerja di Jakarta dan tiketpun langsung kubeli di hari pertama penjualan :)

H-60 hari
H-30 hari
H-15 hari
H-7 hari


H-2 hari kakakku dateng dari Jogja ke Jakarta. Beberapa waktu sebelumnya adikku kena sakit, tapi alhamdulillah udah gak kenapa-kenapa jadi kakakku bisa ke Jakarta. Yah, walaupun butuh kerja keras buat meyakinkan mama dan papa.

H-1 dan hati berdegup kencang membayangkan besoknya bisa ketemu sama personil Simple Plan. Hari itu juga aku sama kakakku merencanakan apa yang akan kita lakukan pada waktu hari H.

Hari H pun datang. Hari yang uda dinantikan sekian tahun lamanya. Sebelumnya keponakanku ngajakin kita buat nonton di Mall Kelapa Gading. Tapi karena mepet, kita memutuskan untuk memisahkan diri dari rombongan keluargaku. Setelah selesai pesan taksi online, perjalanan ke Eco Convention Park Ancol pun dimulai.

Sekitar setengah jam kemudian kita sampai di venue. Belum cukup crowded, sih. Tapi antrean pintu masuk uda lumayan mengular. Jadinya aku dan kakakku buru-buru menukarkan e-ticket kita dan ikutan antre. Jam demi jam berlalu. Sampai pada akhirnya antrean uda panjang banget sampe ke jalan. Beberapa crew Breakout dari NET TV juga dateng buat meliput, yah walaupun yang diliput bukan aku.

Sekitar dua jam sebelum Open Gate, terdengar suara sound check dari dalam venue. Jantungku makin berdegup kencang inget kalo aku uda satu venue sama mereka. Trus bayangin nanti bakal ketemu sama Pierre, David, Chuck, Jeff, dan Seb (walaupun gak tatap muka juga, sih). Terutama David, member favoritku yang uda diidolakan sejak umur sejagung (halah!)

Begitu mendekati waktu Open Gate, orang-orang berbondong-bondong berdiri antre di depan pintu masuk. Aslinya, sih, antreannya buyar karena orang-orang pada rebutan masuk. Tapi akhirnya aku dan kakakku bisa juga masuk ke dalem dengan selamat.

Pertama-tama aku dan kakakku masuk langsung ambil spot di depan Seb. Tapi karena aku pengen dapet spot pas di depan posisinya David, jadi kita berdua pindah deh. Di depan kita ada beberapa mas-mas yang badannya tinggi cukup buat menutupi aku sama kakakku yang gak begitu tinggi (nasiiib...)

Akhirnyaaaa konser dimulaii!!! Personil Simple Plan satu per satu masuk ke panggung. OH MY GOD!! THEY'RE SO HANDSOME IN REAL LIFE!! FINALLY I COULD SEE THEM LIVE!! Akhirnya penantian panjang buat ketemu mereka secara langsung telah berakhir. Aku bisa ngeliat mereka berlima lumayan jelas dari spotku, terutama David. OMG! HE'S SO HANDSOME!!

Mula-mula konser dibuka sama lagu Opinion Overload yang oke punya. Sekarang lagu itu jadi salah satu favoritku karena vibenya yang penuh energi! Dari lagu pertama aja aku uda loncat-loncat kesihir sama para personil yang penuh energi. Tapi karena entah kurang minum apa gimana, baru tiga lagu kerasa banget capeknya. Apalagi pas lagu Jump (namanya juga Jump, ya kudu loncat lah). Jadi aku mengurangi kekuatan buat loncat, walaupun masih tetep loncat. Lol!

Pas lagu Welcome to My Life, hatiku berdebar banget. Soalnya ini lagu yang paling sering aku bawain kalo pas lagi ngeband. Lagu pertama pas aku manggung. Dan akhirnya aku bisa denger lagu kesukaanku sepanjang masa ini secara langsung. Gile brooo, seneng banget lah! BA-HA-GI-A!

Sampai juga ke lagu Crazy. Entah kenapa pas lagu ini langsung flashback ke jaman awal-awal aku kenal Simple Plan. How much I love them from the very beginning. Trus tiba-tiba aja air mata ini keluar tanpa disadari. Ditambah lagi pas interlude si Pierre bilang, "We're still the same five guys..." makin nangis deh ini mata. Sumpah deh ya, aku ngefans banget sama mereka salah satunya karena mereka masih sama dari yang dulu. Walaupun mereka suka mencoba hal yang baru di tiap album, tapi mereka masih Simple Plan yang dulu. I love them, really.

Dan tentu aja lagu penutup as always, Perfect. Di sini semua penonton langsung nyalain entah layar atau flash hp mereka buat di ayunin di udara. Kalo diliat dari atas panggung pasti keren banget. Pada kompakan gerakannya ngikutin Pierre. Nah, di sini giliran kakakku yang nangis. Jujur, sih, dia lebih dulu ngefans Simple Plan gegara lagu Perfect ini, dan dia terharu banget akhirnya bisa ngerasain juga lagu Perfect secara langsung. I know her feeling tho ;')

Oh iya, di tengah-tengah konser entah pas lagu apa sesuai kebiasaan David pas konser yang suka lempar-lempar pick, beruntung banget lah aku bisa dapet pick yang dilempar doi. Ceritanya kan aku uda berharap (berdoa) biar kalo pas David lempar pick aku bisa dapet, eh beneran. David ngelempar pick pas ke arah crowd yang ada akunya. Nah kan picknya jatuh ke lantai, aku coba cari-cari ngeliat yang bentuknya kayak pick trus aku injek aja deh biar gak ada yang ambil. Sama kakakku dilindungin pas aku ambil picknya dari lantai. Langsung deh aku masukin tas hehehehe. Alhamdulillah banget yaah, di konser pertamaku langsung dapet 'hadiah' dari David ;)

Selesai konser aku sama kakakku foto-foto deh di depan panggung, trus cerita-cerita dulu di depan venue sebelum pulang. Beli beberapa stiker sama poster juga. Baru deh kita cari taksi online dan karena gak bisa masuk ke dalem Ancol si mobilnya, aku sama kakakku jalan ke gerbang yang lumayan jauh. Tapi gak kerasa, sih, soalnya kita berdua sambil cerita-cerita heboh banget. Epicnya, pas banget di gerbang kita mau ke mobil, eh ujan deres dong hahahaa.

Bener-bener deh, unforgettable story. Satu hal yang rada aku sesali yaitu kenapa gak beli tiket vip post-game biar bisa ketemu langsung. Envy tau liat orang-orang pada bisa foto sama personil Simple Plan sambil makan pizza (pizza party gitu deh). Yah, gapapa deh yaa. Pertama kita nonton di Festival A aja uda alhamdulillah xD

That's it. Well, lumayan panjang juga sih buat postingan di blog. But, I'm sharing this with you guys. I know how you feel when you couldn't watch your favorite band's concert. But I hope this story will inspire you all. Keep believing that someday you'll get to see them live. See you!

Here some photos of the concert:

Tiket Gelang Konser

Suasana Antrean Masuk Venue

Kakakku dan Aku

Suasana Panggung Sebelum Konser Dimulai

And here they come

David My Idol

Pierre and His Energetic Voice

David's Habits, Lempar-lempar Pick

OMG His Smile x.x

Pierre's So Close to Fans

Jeff and His Guitar Solo

Chuck, so hard to see him in the backyard

The Handsome, Seb

Love, Simple Plan

After Concert

'Present' from David


Some Merchs we bought


Oct. 7th - The Rise of Punk Rock

Let’s talk about music now!
Few days ago was Oct. 7th 2016.
But what’s wrong with it? Nothing. For some people. But some others, it’s like a monumental moment of life. Yes, life of a punk-rocker! Why not? There will be some punk rock bands releasing their new album. Stoked!
Well, I’ll highlight some of these bands are. Here they are: SUM 41, GREEN DAY, and of course NOFX!
All of them were released their singles before like, SUM 41 with Fake My Own Death, War, and God Save US All (Death to Pop); GREEN DAY with Bang Bang, Revolution Radio, and Still Breathing; and of course NOFX with Oxy Moronic and Six Years On Dope. They sound so amaziing!
As we already know, their new albums are called 13 Voices (SUM 41), Revolution Radio (GREEN DAY), and First Ditch Effort (NOFX).
13 Voices contains of 14 songs which will rock your ears. Their first single, Fake My Own Death, is actually my favorite song so far. Besides I haven’t heard the rest songs of the album by now. Its music video also an epic one with bunch of memes from the internet. Their second single, War, came out way more slowly but deep. It might remind you of some of their old songs like Pieces. And their last phenomenal titled single, God Save US All (Death to Pop), is interesting! You know like, this song told us that Punk’s Not Dead! Yihaaaa!
Sum 41 - 13 Voices (2016)

Let’s move to Revolution Radio which contains of 12 songs. Bang Bang was their first single that would remind you of their era of American Idiot. Yes, the intro, some fans said it’s like St. Jimmy’s intro. Through this song, their punk rock souls have back to its place. Then Revolution Radio out as their second single. The title similar to the album’s title. Yes of course it also their hit single of this album. And the song? Don’t ask me, it’s way way too cool! And here comes Still Breathing, my favorite song so far. We know that GREEN DAY did some magnificent lyrics through this song. Don’t forget to add Ordinary World, Billie’s original song which featured on his upcoming movie with the same title.
Green Day - Revolution Radio (2016)

Last one is First Ditch Effort by NOFX. It contains of 13 songs. They’re so genius about making controversial lyrics I guess (LOL!). Their singles are Oxy Moronic and Six Years On Dope. I’ve listened to both of them and they’re cool as always! Their punk rock vibes never get old. And Oxy Moronic has an epic music video I’ve ever watch! xD
NOFX - First Ditch Effort (2016)

Soooooo, that’s all! Today’s gonna be a history with these three punk rock bands have come back to life! YEAH!!!
So please be patient waiting for these wonderful albums to release. Then we can go to Spotify or record stores to purchase them ;)


Monday, September 26, 2016

Simple Plan - Crazy [Live in Taking One For The Team Tour 2016 Jakarta]


Simple Plan - Perfect [Live in Taking One For The Team Tour 2016 Jakarta]


Simple Plan - Summer Paradise [Live in Taking One For The Team Tour 2016...


Simple Plan - This Song Save My Life [Live in Taking One For The Team To...


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Band Review: coldrain (Japan)

Heyho! Long time no post, guys!
Now I'm back to review a band, amazing band called coldrain!

coldrain - Vena

coldrain (コールドレイン Kōrudorein) is a rock band from Japan, precisely from Nagoya prefecture. Their genres come around post-hardcore, metalcore, alternative metal, and screamo (but I guess it's post-hardcore mainly). coldrain formed in 2007 with their original members who last until now, they are:

Masato David Hayakawa (マサト Masato) as lead vocals
Yokochi (ヨコチ Y.K.C) as lead guitars and programming
Kazuya Sugiyama (スギ Sugi) as rythm guitars and backing vocals
Ryo Shimizu (リョウ RxYxO) as bass and backing vocals
Katsuma Minatani (カツマ Katsuma) as drums.


coldrain has four studio albums already. Their first album, Final Destination, came out in October 2009. The second album, The Enemy Inside, came out in February 2011. The Revelation then came out in April 2013. The forth album, Vena, came out in October 2015.

Vena, their latest album, is one of my favorite album in 2015. This album consists of eleven tracks including the song 'Runaway' which Papa Roach's vocalist took part of. The track listing is:

No. Title Length
1. "Vena"   0:58
2. "Wrong"   3:32
3. "Divine"   3:36
4. "Gone"   4:12
5. "Words of the Youth"   3:31
6. "The Story"   4:09
7. "Whole"   3:45
8. "Runaway" (feat. Jacoby Shaddix) 3:46
9. "Pretty Little Liar"   3:46
10. "Heart of the Young"   3:48
11. "Fire in the Sky"   3:24

I like almost all of the songs in this album. Well, I could say they did a really great great job with this album (It's also the reason why I fallen for them now!). The melodic and the drum's beats blend perfectly with Masato's vocal which very fluently in English. All of the songs are in English, by the way. No wonder, Masato is half Japanese and half American! xD

My favorite among favorites is The Story. Not only due to the music, but the lyrics too. I'm always enjoying my time to sing that song. But once again, I like almost -I guess now all- of the tracks tho.

Well I guess that's enough for tonight. If you curious about this band, just go to Youtube and listen to few of their songs. I bet they're worth listening! Just believe in me ;)

Good night! Boo-yah~


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Review Album: Madness by Sleeping With Sirens

Last Tuesday, March 17th 2015, was the release date of Sleeping With Sirens' newest album Madness.

Madness is Sleeping With Sirens' forth studio album and released under Epitaph Records label (their previous albums were released under Rise Records label). Beside that, this album is the first record with the new guitarist, Nick Martin, who replaced former guitarist Jesse Lawson.

Band members:
Kellin Quinn: lead vocals, keyboards
Jack Fowler: lead guitars, programming
Justin Hills: bass guitars
Gabe Barham: drums, percussions
Nick Martin: rhythm guitars, backing vocals

John Feldmann: productions, mixing

The track list are (Madness Deluxe Edition):
1. Kick Me
2. Go Go Go
3. Gold
4. Save Me A Spark
5. Fly
6. The Strays
7. Left Alone
8. Better Off Dead
9. We Like It Loud
10. Heroine
11. November
12. Madness
13. Don't Say Anything
14. Parasites (Bonus Track)
15. 2 Chord (Bonus Track)

Now, let's review some of the tracks.

1. Kick Me

One of my favorite track in this album. Kick Me has post-hardcore influence and fast beat tempo. There're some Kellin's screaming parts. Well, I think this track is easy listening because first you heard it, you'll like it.

2. Go Go Go

I like this track at first sight when I saw its music video. I said this track is bit lighter than Kick Me or Better Off Dead or We Like It Loud. But still, it worth listening (sure!). Because the way they play the music or sing, somekind make us feel light and happy.

3. Fly

Fly is one of the track in this album that has unique beat. The Kellin's voice strength mixed perfectly with the instruments. Also the lyrics as good as always. I think it's one of the track that you should listen to.

4. The Strays

Kellin said that The Strays is his favorite track in this album. I can't disagree with him because this track is so good and has deep meaning. Maybe Kellin wrote this song based on his experience in the real world. So when he sings this song it seems he sings it whole-heartly. The music also support the lyrics perfectly. Well, it's good to hear really!

5. Better Off Dead

It's my favorite track in this Madness album. I like it as I heard it for the first time through Epitaph's youtube channel. This track has deep emotion that everyone feel sometimes (or more times). It's about being left, alone, rejected, and somekind of that. So she thought better off dead than living that way. The lyrics touch everyone who listening to it so they could feel it too. Beside that, the music's great from my perspective. I like this kind of music (the lyrics too!) Maybe through this song, SWS's members want to show their love and say that we should appreciate ourselves no matter what happens.

6. We Like It Loud

Beside Kick Me, maybe We Like It Loud is the right track that has post-hardcore influence. Like their songs before, this track has more screaming parts than any other track in this album (is it right?). Maybe if we want to hear little bit resemblance of their's previous album songs, we should hear We Like It Loud.

7. Madness

Madness title same as the album's name. This track is half-acoustic. It has great guitar parts. The tempo is medium (maybe?) and the music is little bit slow. Kellin's parts are prominent and it's good to deliver the meaning of this song. I think this track is good to a accompany you in your sleep.

8. 2 Chord

So far I know, this track is the full acoustic track in Madness. The guitar parts and Kellin's voice mixed harmonically. This really good acoustic song!

Yeah, those are some track reviews from Madness album. Overall, I enjoy listening to this album. There're happy tracks, bit sad tracks, and deep meaning tracks. I love it! Maybe for some people this album a bit different from their previous albums. But, it's okay. Maybe this is some part of their musical journey, right?

Well, it's all from my perspective and of course my perspective could be same as yours or maybe different. So, write your own review and tell everybody what do you think about this Madness album!

So pick it up! Yeaahhh!! \m/


Thursday, March 12, 2015

New Interest: Photography

Good Afternoon!

Today I'm going to write about my new interest. Yeah, it's photography. But maybe more specific, it's mobile/smartphone photography.

It's specific in mobile/smartphone photography because I just have my smartphone's camera to take some photos. And lately, I'm finding it fun. Just to take pictures from someone or something around you. So now I want to know more about mobile/smartphone photography and search some tips how to take a photo like a pro with your smartphone's camera.

I searched in Googles some of tips and guides. Then I found some cool sites that give you useful tips to take photo with your smartphone's camera!
Here they are:

popphoto.com: 10 Tips for Taking Better Photos With Your Smartphone
verizonwireless.com: 7 Smartphone Photography Tips for Taking Better Pictures
techspot.com: 10 Tips for Good Smartphone Photography

But if you wanna learn photography instead, I found an interesting site. It's Digital Photography School. You can find any lesson and tips for photography (also for beginners for sure!).

After read the tips from sites above, I try to apply it with my camera. And it looks better (my photo). Then beside that (now I use my Samsung's app instead my old Camera360 app), I installed an editing software in my smartphone. It's Snapseed,  and it's really cool app! Worth to try, really. And it's making your photography more complete.

Well, hope that informations help you! I'd like to learn more too. Keep spirit! ;)


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Favourites Lately: Pierce The Veil And Sleeping With Sirens!

Good evening!
Today I'm going to post with English ;)

Well, let me tell you my recent favourites.

Pierce The Veil
Sleeping With Sirens
All Time Low
Memphis May Fire
A Day To Remember
Mayday Parade
We Are The In Crowd
and many more..

Those names are bands that I currently listening to. Actually I knew them for a long time because my 'emo' sister always play their songs. Therefore, I knew some of their hit songs. At that time I just knew them a little. But now, I love them!

It's all because my sister told me to listen Punk Goes Pop albums at first. Curious, I downloaded all of its albums. Then I listened to all of them and watched the videos too. And BANG! I started to love them and their songs of course. They really made wonderful songs with deep meanings. Even they're screaming, but it get through me. Awww >.<

Three tops of them are Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, and All Time Low. I like All Time Low sooner than Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens (Let's call them PTV, SWS, and ATL for shorter typings!). But lately I listen to PTV and SWS more (Although I still listen to ATL for sure!).

Pierce The Veil
Pierce The Veil Logo

Pierce The Veil are Vic Fuentes on lead vocal and guitar, Tony Perry on guitar, Jaime Preciado on bass, and Mike Fuentes on drum. Vic and Mike are brother. They're from San Diego, CA. Formed in 2007. Until now, they have three albums.

Pierce The Veil - A Flair For The Dramatic (2007)
The first album, A Flair For The Dramatic, released in June 26, 2007 under Equal Vision label. The track list are:
1. "Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides"   3:40
2. "Currents Convulsive"   3:35
3. "Yeah Boy and Doll Face"   4:24
4. "I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous"   2:53
5. "The Cheap Bouquet"   3:49
6. "Falling Asleep On A Stranger"   3:43
7. "She Sings in the Morning"   2:59
8. "The Balcony Scene"   3:19
9. "Drella"   2:56
10. "Diamonds and Why Men Buy Them"   3:30
11. "Wonderless"   5:41

For iTunes edition, there's bonus track:

Pierce The Veil - Selfish Machines (2010)

The second album, Selfish Machines, released in June 22, 2010 under Equal Vision label. The track list are:
1. "Besitos" (featuring Vanessa Harris) 4:25
2. "Southern Constellations"   1:05
3. "The Boy Who Could Fly"   5:11
4. "Caraphernelia" (featuring Jeremy McKinnon of A Day to Remember) 4:26
5. "Fast Times at Clairemont High"   3:58
6. "The New National Anthem"   3:58
7. "Bulletproof Love"   3:57
8. "Stay Away from My Friends"   4:42
9. "I Don't Care If You're Contagious" (featuring Vanessa Harris) 3:25
10. "Disasterology"   3:25
11. "Million Dollar Houses (The Painter)"   4:01
12. "The Sky Under the Sea"   4:35

For iTunes edition, there's bonus track:

For Japanese edition and 2013 Reissue, there's bonus track:

For Australian edition, there're hidden tracks:

Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky (2012)

The third album, Collide With The Sky, released in July 17, 2012 under Fearless label. The track list are:
1. "May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep Tonight"   1:21
2. "Hell Above"   3:43
3. "A Match into Water"   3:32
4. "King for a Day" (featuring Kellin Quinn of Sleeping with Sirens) 3:56
5. "Bulls in the Bronx"   4:27
6. "Props & Mayhem"   3:37
7. "Tangled in the Great Escape" (featuring Jason Butler of Letlive) 5:56
8. "I'm Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket"   4:12
9. "The First Punch"   3:25
10. "One Hundred Sleepless Nights"   3:41
11. "Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears"   3:38
12. "Hold On Till May" (featuring Lindsey Stamey of Oh No Fiasco) 4:38

For iTunes edition, there's bonus track:

For Amazon U.S. MP3 edition, there's bonus track:

Mostly, I listen to the third album. Personally, I think Collide With The Sky is the best album so far. And I can't wait to hear their new album this year :D

Some recommended songs from me are Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides, Yeah Boy And Doll Face, Falling Asleep On A Stranger, Wonderless, Beat It from the first album, Besitos, The Boy Who Could Fly, Caraphernelia, Bulletproof Love, Stay Away From My Friends, Disasterology, Million Dollar Houses, The Sky Under The Sea, She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty from the second album, and most of songs in the third album.

Beside the songs in their albums, there are: (Don't Fear) The Reaper from Punk Goes Classic Rock Album, Just The Way You Are (Bruno Mars Cover) from Punk Goes Pop 4 Album, A Love Like War (All Time Low Feat. Vic Fuentes) from Don't Panic Album, and Sombody That I Used To Know (Mayday Parade Feat. Vic Fuentes) from Punk Goes Pop 5 Album.

Sleeping With Sirens

Sleeping With Sirens Logo
Sleeping With Sirens are Kellin Quinn on lead vocal, Jack Fowler on guitar, Gabe Barham on drum, Nick Martin on guitar, and Justin Hills on bass. They're from Orlando, Florida. Formed in 2009. Until now, this band has four albums (Madness out in March 17, 2015).

Sleeping With Sirens - With Ears Too See And Eyes To Hear (2010)

The first album, With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear, released in March 23, 2010 under Rise label. The track list are:
1. "If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn"   3:40
2. "The Bomb Dot Com v2.0"   3:31
3. "You Kill Me (In a Good Way)"   3:45
4. "Let Love Bleed Red" (featuring Aaron Marsh) 3:42
5. "Captain Tyin' Knots vs. Mr. Walkway (No Way)" (featuring David Stephens) 3:23
6. "Don't Fall Asleep at the Helm"   2:17
7. "With Ears to See, and Eyes to Hear"   3:43
8. "In Case of Emergency, Dial 411"   2:46
9. "The Left Side of Everywhere"   3:00
10. "Outro"   1:33

Sleeping With Sirens - Let's Cheers To This (2011)

The second album, Let's Cheers To This, released in May 10, 2011 under Rise label. The track list are:
1. "Do It Now Remember It Later"   3:23
2. "If You Can't Hang"   4:10
3. "Who Are You Now"   4:17
4. "Four Corners and Two Sides"   3:18
5. "A Trophy Father's Trophy Son"   3:42
6. "Fire"   3:47
7. "Tally It Up, Settle the Score"   3:35
8. "Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime"   2:48
9. "Postcards and Polaroids"   3:14
10. "All My Heart"   4:39
11. "Let's Cheers to This"   3:40

Sleeping With Sirens - Feel (2013)

The third album, Feel, released in June 4, 2013 under Rise label. The track list are:
1. "Feel"   4:41
2. "Here We Go"   3:19
3. "Free Now"   3:53
4. "Alone" (featuring Machine Gun Kelly) 3:54
5. "I'll Take You There" (featuring Shayley Bourget of Dayshell and formerly Of Mice & Men) 4:03
6. "The Best There Ever Was" (featuring Fronz of Attila) 3:20
7. "Low"   3:42
8. "Congratulations" (featuring Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire) 4:42
9. "Déjà Vu"   3:17
10. "These Things I've Done"   3:25
11. "Sorry"   3:02
12. "Satellites"   3:39

Sleeping With Sirens - Madness (2015)

The forth album, Madness, released in March 17, 2015 under Epitaph Records label. The track list are:
1. "Kick Me"   2:31
2. "Go Go Go"   2:47
3. "Gold"   3:32
4. "Save Me a Spark"   3:39
5. "Fly"   3:35
6. "The Strays"   2:58
7. "Left Alone"   3:20
8. "Better Off Dead"   3:08
9. "We Like It Loud"   2:17
10. "Heroine"   3:35
11. "November"   3:29
12. "Madness"   2:42
13. "Don't Say Anything"   3:16

For Deluxe version, there're bonus tracks:

Sleeping With Sirens - If You Were A Movie, This Would Be Your Soundtrack (2012)

They also has an acoustic EP called If You Were A Movie, This Would Be Your Soundtrack. This album released in June 26, 2012 under Rise label. The track list are:
1. "Scene One - James Dean and Audrey Hepburn"   4:16
2. "Scene Two - Roger Rabbit"   3:17
3. "Scene Three - Stomach Tied In Knots"   3:29
4. "Scene Four - Don't You Ever Forget About Me" (featuring Jessica Ess) 3:24
5. "Scene Five - With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear"   3:47
6. "Iris" (Goo Goo Dolls cover, written by Johnny Rzeznik. Only on some versions.)  

Some recommended songs from me are If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn, Don't Fall Asleep At The Helm, With Ears To See, And Eyes To Hear from the first album, Do It Now Remember It Later, If You Can't Hang, A Trophy Father's Trophy Son, All My Heart from the second album, Alone (Feat. MGK), Low, Congratulations (Feat. Matty Mullins), Sorry from the third album, Kick Me, Go Go Go, The Strays from the forth album, and Roger Rabbit, Iris from the EP album.

Beside the songs in their albums, there are: F*ck You from Punk Goes Pop 4 Album, Miles Away (Memphis May Fire Feat. Kellin Quinn) from Challenger Album, King For A Day (Pierce The Veil Feat. Kellin Quinn) from Collide With The Sky Album, and Paper Planes (One Ok Rock Feat. Kellin Quinn) from 35xxxv Album.

Hahahaaa.. I think I write enough for today. Next time I'll write some other bands like them, 'kay?
See you, guys! Hope you enjoy this site ;)
