Showing posts with label revolution radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label revolution radio. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Oct. 7th - The Rise of Punk Rock

Let’s talk about music now!
Few days ago was Oct. 7th 2016.
But what’s wrong with it? Nothing. For some people. But some others, it’s like a monumental moment of life. Yes, life of a punk-rocker! Why not? There will be some punk rock bands releasing their new album. Stoked!
Well, I’ll highlight some of these bands are. Here they are: SUM 41, GREEN DAY, and of course NOFX!
All of them were released their singles before like, SUM 41 with Fake My Own Death, War, and God Save US All (Death to Pop); GREEN DAY with Bang Bang, Revolution Radio, and Still Breathing; and of course NOFX with Oxy Moronic and Six Years On Dope. They sound so amaziing!
As we already know, their new albums are called 13 Voices (SUM 41), Revolution Radio (GREEN DAY), and First Ditch Effort (NOFX).
13 Voices contains of 14 songs which will rock your ears. Their first single, Fake My Own Death, is actually my favorite song so far. Besides I haven’t heard the rest songs of the album by now. Its music video also an epic one with bunch of memes from the internet. Their second single, War, came out way more slowly but deep. It might remind you of some of their old songs like Pieces. And their last phenomenal titled single, God Save US All (Death to Pop), is interesting! You know like, this song told us that Punk’s Not Dead! Yihaaaa!
Sum 41 - 13 Voices (2016)

Let’s move to Revolution Radio which contains of 12 songs. Bang Bang was their first single that would remind you of their era of American Idiot. Yes, the intro, some fans said it’s like St. Jimmy’s intro. Through this song, their punk rock souls have back to its place. Then Revolution Radio out as their second single. The title similar to the album’s title. Yes of course it also their hit single of this album. And the song? Don’t ask me, it’s way way too cool! And here comes Still Breathing, my favorite song so far. We know that GREEN DAY did some magnificent lyrics through this song. Don’t forget to add Ordinary World, Billie’s original song which featured on his upcoming movie with the same title.
Green Day - Revolution Radio (2016)

Last one is First Ditch Effort by NOFX. It contains of 13 songs. They’re so genius about making controversial lyrics I guess (LOL!). Their singles are Oxy Moronic and Six Years On Dope. I’ve listened to both of them and they’re cool as always! Their punk rock vibes never get old. And Oxy Moronic has an epic music video I’ve ever watch! xD
NOFX - First Ditch Effort (2016)

Soooooo, that’s all! Today’s gonna be a history with these three punk rock bands have come back to life! YEAH!!!
So please be patient waiting for these wonderful albums to release. Then we can go to Spotify or record stores to purchase them ;)
